Cnocachanach Prices and Availability

The weekly rates for Cnocachanach for 2017 are shown below and you can make a booking by sending us your details via the Contact page.

Alternatively, you can book online through our HomeAway listing at: or at our Holiday Lettings listing:

Our listings at the above links also have up-to-date calendars showing current availability. Note that HomeAway and Holiday Lettings both charge a booking fee of around 10-15% and if you'd like to avoid this then we accept bank transfers (from UK residents only).

May 1st - June 2nd£400
June 3rd - July 7th £430
July 8th - Sept 1st £475
Sept 2nd - Sept 29th £430
Sept 30th - Oct 27th £375
Oct 28th - Dec 22nd £330